LET YOUR MONEY WORK FOR YOU! Maximize Your Income.
Don’t work for money, or you’ll end up not having the time to enjoy it. Money is a terrible MASTER, but an excellent SERVANT. So you can have the freedom to do as you please, l et your money work for you. Why work hard? When you can work smart! Don’t work for money. Let money work for you. Your regular job is providing your regular income. Bills, transportation, nights out, shopping. These and your lifestyle are your expenses, mismanagement is simply burning all that hard-earned money. Stop the burning, make a budget, keep it low and track consistently. Discipline yourself and cut unnecessary expenses, save your money and your time. Sharpen your financial Intelligence! And get yourself assets, not liabilities. But there has been a major confusion. People keep making the same mistake over and over again. They got too excited, acquired properties thinking they were assets, But actually were liabilities. And end up broke and bankrupt. ...