Utilize Resources Around You! Stop Doing This Mistakes. Learn Affiliate Marketing

Today, I’m going to give you cold hard facts about simple mistakes that most of us have done and sad to say, still doing….
But before we start, don’t forget to visit my YouTube channel http://bit.ly/2O6AHg4. Click the SUBSCRIBE button and the notification bell if you like my topics and want to receive updates on my upcoming videos. Videos I usually make are about making money online and motivation towards financial freedom. Let’s start!
  1. Focusing too much on the job. Yes, having a job is important. Everyone needs to get paid. But, some tend to spend more time in the working place, or worse, bring the job to their homes. In this, they not only stress themselves but also the people living in our homes.
  2. Having too much FUN. Not all are focused on the job, or worse, have no job. To be real, I envy people who’s been approaching life this way, but on the other hand, I pity them as well. We all know for a fact that everybody needs a living so one may be able to buy what he desires, unless you’re born with a silver spoon.
  3. Being too PRACTICAL. Yes being practical may be positive, but being too practical tends to destroy your culture, relationships, or worse, destroy your own identity. So think about it. Being too “brainy” can cost you!
  4. Being too emotional. It’s impossible to be completely insensitive, we’re still humans. But letting our emotions take control over our decisions can definitely be chaotic. There’s a saying I’ve crossed with and ever since I’ve personally committed to practice it. It’s the mastery of calmness, not letting my emotions take over my decisions or reactions, most especially towards frenzied situations.  
And If I’m able to practice it till now, what’s the difference between me and you?
  1. Being too realistic. Being realistic may be good, but of course, to always stick to reality means you just accepted your fate. In which I personally believe that accepting one’s fate and not aiming higher is simply being unfair to one’s self. You’ve got dreams, right?. Why not start to work on making your dreams to reality. Unless your dreaming of flying.
  2. Being too optimistic. Optimism brings color to life, it keeps you human. Dreams and hopes fuel your soul. But, if you keep on dreaming and planning of a good life but not take actions and risks to work on it, then you’re a foolish dreamer.
My message is quite simple. It’s just keeping the balance. You should neither focus too much on your job nor have too much fun. Neither be too “brainy” nor emotional. Neither too realistic nor too optimistic. And for me, a way to be able to keep the balance I’m talking about is to find a job without a boss.
“How can that be? A job without a boss?”, I’ve got you questioning right? Of course, there’s such! Take this into consideration, have you ever searched on ways of making money online? If not yet, don’t you think it’s about time? I’ll give you ways on how to start:
  1. Watch YouTube, and be a YouTuber. Not only in feeding your passion towards something but also ways on how monetizing it. In case you don’t know some people are even able to make money through YouTube without uploading their own videos. Click this link for ways of how one was able to do such: 
  1. Be Social! Create an account in which you’re building a network related to your business. Common practices we have are adding a lot of friends in which we really don’t know personally and they just occupy in our “friends list” for no reason. If you’re adding friends on social media, why not adding those whom you can mutually benefit from. And some apps can help you in achieving such:
http://bit.ly/2QG202m http://bit.ly/2XymHyN http://bit.ly/2WK3qKk
You should have accounts on these Social Media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. If you have access to other Social media, it would be better.
  1. Engage in Affiliate Marketing. You may have an idea of what affiliate marketing is all about. If not, let me give you a brief description based on layman’s lingo. It’s simply advertising or selling products with low or no cost. If you want to know about companies letting you advertise their products at no cost. Some familiar companies/websites:
AL.LY http://bit.ly/2QBoaTv
Shrinkearn  http://bit.ly/37rbnJi
(a whole lot more)

  1. And the most challenging, but I believe to be very important is to learn how to make a Blog. And the most popular would be Blogger by GOOGLE and WordPress http://bit.ly/2XCce5b 


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